Monday, April 10, 2017

Unit 4 Money Exchange


Unit 4 Money Exchange

Barter System
  • good and services are traded directly
    • no money exchange

  • anything generally accepted in payment for goods and services
  • money does not equal wealth and income
  • wealth equals total collection of assets that store value 
  • Income equals flow of earnings per unit of time
  • can be used as
    1. Medium of exchange: buys goods and services
    2. Unit of account: measuring value of goods and services
    3. Store value
Types of Money
  • Representatives $
    • something of value
      • ex: IOU
  • Commodity $
    • something that preforms function of money and has alternative uses
      • ex: Gold, salt, silver
  • Flat $
    • $ cause govt says so
      • ex: paper, coin
Characteristics $
  • durability, portability, divisibility, limited supply, uniformity, acceptability
3 Types of Money

  • liquidity- ease with which an asset can be accessed and converted into cash
    1. M1 (High Liquidity)- coins, currency, and checkable deposits (personal and corporate checking accounts which are largest compent of M1). AKA demand deposits. Generally money supply
    2. M2 (Medium Liquidity)- M1 and savings deposits ($ market accounts), time deposits (CDs: certificates of deposit), and mutual funds below $100k
    3. M3 (Low Liquidity)- M2 plus time deposits above $100k
Financial institutions

  1. store money
  2. save money
    • savings acct., checking acct., CD, money market acct.
      3. loan money
  • Interest- price paid for the use of borrowed money
  • Principal- amount that you borrow
Types of Financial Intermediaries
  • Commercial Banks
  • savings and loans institution
  • Credit Union
  • Mutual Funds Companies
  • Finance Companies
Financial System
  • Assets- anything of monetary value owned by a person or business.
  • Financial Asset- a paper claim that entitles the buyer to future income from the sellers.
  • Physical Asset- claim on tangible object (Ex: car, house)
  • If you go to your bank and take out loan 
    • bank created Financial Asset, you have created a Liability
  • Liability- requirement to pay money in the future (usually with interest)
  • there are 5 major financial assets: loans, stocks, bonds, loan-backed securities, and bank deposits
Interest rates and Inflation
  • The time value of money- A dollar is worth more today that it is tomorrow. You are losing money every second you are not investing.
Present vs. Future Value
  • Future Value: If you invest (or lend) money to someone, it will compond (grow) according to the following equation: FV=PV(1+i)^t
  • Present Value: amount of $ I need to invest new, in order to get some amount (FVS known) in the future. PV=FV/ (1+i)^N
Simple Interest Formula
  • Let v= future value of $
    • p= present value of $
    • r= real interest rate (nominal-inflation rate) expressed as a decimal
    • n= years
    • k= # of times interest is credited per year
  • simple interest formula
    • v=(1+r) ^n X P


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